Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Jam Gadang (Big Ben) in Bukittinggi

Who doesn't know Big Ben in London, one of image of England image? But have you heard Indonesia also has Big Ben? Indonesia' big ben (local peoples called: Jam Gadang) located in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera. Jam Gadang in Bukittinggi built on 1926 by 2 architect, Yazin and Sutan Gigi Ameh.
It is believed that the machine use in Jam Gadang same as installed in London Bige Ben. It was created by England aristocratic Forman, then name Brixlion. At the era of Dutch colonization, on top was installed a cock statue. Then in Japan colonization, changed with ornament. Then in independence era changed with Rumah Gadang (Big House) installation.
There is a an uniquely n mystery things about number in Jam Gadang.
It use Roman numeral figure, start from I, II, III. But in 4, it's not IV. Then after 5 unitl back using Roman numeral. It is believed that four peoples became victim when built construction of Jam Gadang.

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Besakih Temple

Who doesn't know Bali? Bali is the most destination in Indonesian tourism. Has so many beautiful beach and other spots, with high local value. Mayority, Bali peoples religion is Hindu. One of biggest and the great temple is Besakih temple. Besakih
is known as the ‘Mother Temple’ in Bali, the largest and most important temple on the island. The Besakih Temple is located in The Besakih village, 900 meters up to the slopes of Gunung Agung.
There are many manuscripts mention about establishment, rituals, and the status of Besakih. At one of the temple complex is preserved a manuscript mentions Sri Wira Kesari, and the area was part of his palace. We do not have prove that relate Sri Wira Kesari with the king mention by stone pillar inscription of Sanur. It is true that the king mentioned by the inscription in Sanur named Sri Kesari Warmadewa, from 9th century.
This temple complexes is a real valuable heritage for Balinese not just the value of religious activity, but have built up the solidity and close affinity among Balinese Hindu, although in the past was broken into more than 9 small kingdoms. Until now these small kingdoms was maintained by Indonesian government by forming a local government based on the area of kingdom in the past. That is why Bali now is divided into 8 local government in the level of second under provincial administration. Although in fact one aspect has been made so complicated that is rituals aspects. Furthermore the purana associate natural changes with the incompleteness of the rituals aspects, or any shortcoming in elements of offerings, it is actually Besakih is most famous for their ritual compared to their architecture and historical values.

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Keraton Yogyakarta Palace

One of biggest city in Indonesia is Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta (or Yogya, as local people call it) also know as second tourism destination in Indonesia, after Bali. One of tourism spot in Yogya is Kraton Yogya Palace. Located in the centre of Yogya city, designed by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, founder of the kingdom of Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat, in 1756.
Kraton Yogyakarta area stretches 5 kilometers southwards to Krapyak village and 2 kilometers northwards until Tugu Station. As philosophy, it means the birth of human being from the high place to the perishable world, and the opposite direction symbolizes the return of human being to the Dumadi (God in Javanese philosophy),
the direction from south to north. Kraton is a physical symbols, the king (Sultan) is the symbol of the real soul that presents into the physical body.
The direction from the Palace to the Tugu monument represents the road of life that is full of temptations. Beringharjo market symbolizes women temptation and temptation of power is symbolized by Kepatihan building. The straight street connecting the Palace to Tugu monument symbolizes close relationship between human being and the Creator (Sangkan Paraning Dumadi).
In short, Tugu monument is a symbol of lingga (male sex organ) and Krapyak symbolizes yoni (female sex organ) and kraton is physical blend of the two.
In general, the space arrangement of the current Sultan Palace is similar to the one of Mataram Dynasty. The center of the Palace is the so called Bangsal Kencana that is adjacent to Bangsal Prabayeksa as the place to keep sacred weapons (in this room, there is an oil lamp called Kyai Wiji that is kept lit by the Palace servants). This hall is surrounded by Kedhaton yard so that people must go through layers of the yard that seem like waves in order to reach the center.

This special arrangement of the Palace looks similar to constellation of mountain and Jambu Dwipa land that is considered to be central archipelago of the universe.
From north part to west part of the Palace area, there are North Square, North Siti Hinggil, North Kemandhungan, Srimanganti, Kedhaton, Kemagangan, South Kemandungan, South Siti Hinggil and South Square (the yard that is protected by high walls).
In order to reach all of the places, there are nine gates (called regol) that must be passed through, namely: gerbang, pangurukan, tarub agung, brajanala, srimanganti, kamagangan, gadhung mlati, kemandhungan and gading.
Brongtodiningrat sees the significance of this number, as the highest number to describe excellence. This is related to nine holes in human beings, commonly called babahan hawa sanga. The sacredness of each Palace building is indicated by the frequency and intensity of Sultan activities in the location.

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Borobudur Temple

The Borobodur Temple complex is one of the greatest monuments in the world. Located in Magelang, Central Java. Borobudur have been derived from the Sanskrit words "Vihara Buddha Uhr" the Buddhist Monastery on the hill. Borobudur is a ninth-century (built in the Cailendra dynasty), mahayana buddhist monument. For about a century and a half it was the spiritual centre of Buddhism in Java, then it was lost until its rediscovery in the eighteenth century.
The architectural style has no equal through out the world. It was completed centuries before Angkor Wat in Kamboja. Borobudur is one of the world's most famous temples; it stands majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. Borobudur is built of gray andesite stone. It rises to seven terraces, each smaller than the one below it. The top is the Great Stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs extending over a total length of six kilometers. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist relieves in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit and each scene an individual masterpiece.
The Borobudur was in danger of collapsing as its stone statues and stone cancer, moss and lichen affected bas-reliefs. But, the monument has been completely restored and was officially opened by the President on 23rd February 1983. The restoration took eight years to complete, funded by the Government of Indonesia with aid from the UNESCO and donations from private citizens as well as from foreign governments.

source: indonesian tourism web

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Merdeka Palace / State Palace

Merdeka palace in Soekarno era

Merdeka Palace (Indonesian: Istana Merdeka) is a palace complex in Central Jakarta. At first there was only one building in this complex, the State Palace. The State Palace was started in 1796, when Peter Gerardus van Overstraten became Governor General of the Dutch East Indies, and was finished in Johannes Siberg's era in 1804. The Istana was actually built for the Dutch businessman, J.A. van Braam, as his retreat residence. At that time the location of the Istana, which now known as Harmoni, was the most exclusive location in New Batavia, (Jakarta).

In 1820, this mansion was rented and then in 1821, sold to the Dutch Colonial Government. The government used this building as the center of all its activities and as the official residence of the Governor-General when they had business in Batavia. The Governors at that time preferred to live in Bogor Palace , because the weather was not as hot as in Batavia. But sometimes they had to go to Batavia, especially to attend the Hindia Council Meeting, every Wednesday.

The Van Braam’s mansion was chosen because Istana Daendels or Daendels Palace (now Treasury Department) in Lapangan Banteng (formerly known as Waterloo Square) was not finished yet. But after the Daendels Palace was finished, that building was used for government offices.

In the Colonial era, a few important events happened in this building that has the official name, Hotel van den Gouverneur-Generaal. For example, this building witnessed the Governor Graaf van deb Bosch declare the cultuur stelsel system. And then, the ratification ceremony of the Linggar Jati Treaty on March 25, 1947.

In the beginning, this 3.375 m² Greek architecture building had two stories. But in 1848, the upper floor was demolished, and the lower floor was made bigger for making a more formal impression. Now the building is still the same.

Because this palace started to feel too crowded, with the instruction of J.W. van Lansberge in 1873, a new palace was built in the complex, which known as Istana Gambir. The new palace, in the beginning of Republic Indonesia’s independence, witnessed the ratification ceremony of claiming of declaration of Independence of Indonesia from the Dutch in 1949.

In that sentimental ceremony the Dutch Royal flag was substitutes with Indonesian Red and White flag. Hundred thousands of people were in tears when the flag rose into the sky. When the flag reached the top, all the tears became new spirit. They all yelled “Merdeka! Merdeka!”. From that moment, Istana Gambir has been known as Istana Merdeka.

One day after the ceremony, President Soekarno and his family arrived from Yogyakarta and for the first time stay at Istana Merdeka. The first Independence Day annual ceremony was held in the Istana Meredeka in 1950.

Since the Dutch Colonial rule, Japanese Invasion and Indonesian Republic, more than 20 heads of state and governments have already used the Istana Merdeka as the official residence and central of government activities.

As the central of the state’s activities, now the Istana Negara is the venue for official state events, such as the Independence Day ceremony, welcoming the state’s guests, receiving the Letter of Credence from foreign ambassadors, installation of ministers, ambassadors, the opening of national meetings, national and international congress and official state banquet.

The Istana Merdeka has a several rooms such as, First Chamber, Residential Chamber, Guest Room, Banquet Room, Reception Hall, Regalia Room, Office, Bed Chamber, Living Room, and Kitchen.

After Soekarno, the presidents no longer use the Istana as the official residence but only used the office until President Abdurrahman Wahid and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Bogor Palace

Istana Bogor is one of 6 Presidensial Palaces in Indonesia. The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural, historical, features, as well as the adjoining botanical garden. The gardens of the palace have an area of 284,000 square metres (28.4 hectare) .

The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci), which was built from August 1744 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors, including also during the period of British administration. Notable occupants of the mansion include Herman Willem Daendels and Sir Stamford Raffles.

This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one storey instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.

From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Soekarno, but then largely neglected by Soeharto when he came to office.

The grounds of the estate contain several buildings - the largest of which is the main palace and its two wings. The main palace contains private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room, a ministers' meeting room, a theater room, and the Garuda room (for welcoming State guests). The two wings are used as the guest residences for State guests. Kebun Raya Bogor ("Great Gardens of Bogor", the Bogor Botanical Gardens) are also part of the palace grounds.

The palace houses an extensive art collections which had been accumulated by Soekarno. A herd of spotted deer still range within the palace grounds; a group of these had originally been brought there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.

Maimun Palace

Istana Maimun, is a well-known landmark at Medan, the capital city of North Sumatra. Built by the King of Deli, Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah in 1888 , the palace is 2.772 m2 and has 30 rooms. This palace used as an administrative center until the end of world war II.
Maimun was designed by Captain of TH. Van Erp, with unique combination of Malay and European style. Some of materials have been delivered from Europe such marmer, crystal lamps, and terrazzo.
The Palace has become a tourist destination because its not just old, but also the interior design of the palace is unique, mixing elements of Melayuneese cultural heritage, Islam , Spanish , Indian, and Italian style.